Full-spectrum CBD includes over 100 cannabinoids, and each has its exclusive benefits. CBD and THC are the most common cannabinoids you have heard about, but cannabinoids like CBDV, CBG, THCB, CBN, CBC, and many more are beneficial. Full-spectrum CBD products are essential since they have the broadest range of cannabinoids to help you get a complete range of health benefits.

Full-spectrum CBD formula contains CBD, CBG, CDV and THCV, and much more. The more cannabinoids there are in products, the more benefits for pain, anxiety, sleep, or other ailments you will receive.

Cannabinoid Benefits

CBD improves sleep, lessens anxiety, and reduces pain, but other formulas treat different ailments. One is CBG for gut health and pain. CBG offers antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate IBS, colitis, and even acne. The benefits of CBD can also help with severe pain, muscle and joint inflammation, and arthritis symptoms.

  • Skincare and braincare: CBDV is good for skin care and taking care of the brain. It may also be effective as an anti-acne agent and has potent neuroprotective effects for those with continual nausea or who suffer from epilepsy. CBDV also has benefits if you are suffering from headaches or chronic nerve pain. Relief from chronic nerve pain triggers the neuroprotective effects of CBDV.
  • Anti-anxiety and focus: Another cannabinoid is THCV, used for anti-anxiety and focus. It is not a psychedelic product but is a rare cannabinoid with great potential benefits for appetite management and boosting mental clarity. THCV functions the exact opposite of THC and works to block receptors that respond to the psychoactive properties of the brain. THCV is a non-psychoactive with the full benefits of THCV, and you cannot get high on full-spectrum products.

Think of cannabinoids as vitamins. To be healthy, you need to have a variety of vitamins and nutrients. Usually, one does not take just one vitamin or mineral. You eat a balanced diet having a variety of foods with nutrients containing the greatest range of benefits. This premise is the same with cannabinoids. Using a full-spectrum CBD formula is like having a multivitamin that works together to create a combined entourage effect.

The Entourage Effect

When you add CBD, CBG, CBDV, THCV, and other cannabinoids together, they work off each other or enhance the effects that each cannabinoid has. Cannabinoids can also be enhanced by terpenes, which are the smells and flavor compounds in fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs, and other natural products. When taken all together, cannabinoids and terpenes create a support or entourage effect that is powerful. The compounds amplify each other, balance out the adverse effects in each combination, and make up for what the other compounds lack.

Get Rid of the Negatives

THC has many benefits, but it is also linked to increased anxiety, risk of psychosis, increased depression, and increased appetite. Long-term use of THC is linked to decreased short-term memory, impaired motor skills, and lowered concentration.

When combined with CBD, the hallucinogenic aspects of THC are counteracted while allowing CBD to enhance the positive effects of THC’s pain relief component. THC is not a cannabinoid that occurs by itself. THC is found along with CBD in hemp plants and wild cannabis and is nature’s way of providing the entourage effect.

THC, including THCV, removes the negatives and enhances the positive. THCV is unique and has the opposite effects of THC. Combined with THC, THCV eases the anxiety and hunger of THC and enhances the creative energy of THC. THCV boosts your ability to focus, develops your appetite, and decreases your anxiety. THCV is also credited with a powerful neuroprotective benefit for Parkinson’s, antipsychotic effects and can be an anti-acne clearing agent caused by stress.

Thank of Cannabinoids Like Vitamins

Take cannabinoids a step further and mix CBD, CBG, BCDV, THCV, and terpenes or fruits. Terpenes are the smell and flavor of compounds found in fruits and other natural substances, and when taken with cannabinoids, you have a powerful, harmonious entourage effect. Ingesting a full range of CBD or cannabinoids and terpenes, you will notice that:

  • They amplify each other
  • Balance out the negative effects
  • Make up for additional benefits that are lacking.

Terpenes and Full-Spectrum CBD

Terpenes are not exotic and can be found right in your own kitchen. Terpenes are the compounds that cause lemons to smell and taste like lemons, and strawberries smell and taste like strawberries. Foods high in terpenes include mangos, apples, citrus fruits, beer, pinene, herbs and spices, humulene, and limonene. Terpenes are produced naturally by plants and have direct benefits when combined with cannabinoids.

Terpenes is also fund in cannabis. The musky, pungent aroma you smell in the plant gives cannabis its distinctive odor and flavor. There are more than 150 types of terpenes in cannabis. Most terpenes are only in small amounts in cannabis, but they are there.

Three primary terpenes go well with cannabinoids:

  • Caryophyllene
  • Limonene
  • Myrcene

Caryophyllene is a spicy scent that gives herbs and spices their flavor. Caryophyllene is found in basil, oregano, black pepper, and cannabis. Caryophyllene goes well with CBD since it has anti-anxiety, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Limonene sounds citrusy, and it is. It is found in lemons, oranges, and limes, and in cannabis. Lemon Haze is an excellent cannabis to try and is full of limonene.

Myrcene is found in mangoes and nectarines. It is also found in bay leaves, lemongrass, basil, hops, and rosemary. Myrcene enhances and strengthens the effect of THC and gives THC the ability to reach your brain cells. Myrcene is also a good anti-inflammatory, anti-pain, and sleep enhancer.

Use Full Spectrum CBD with natural foods, and the Entourage Effect will give you a great additive to your daily activities.

What does all this mean? It means there are products on the CBD market with full-spectrum formulas that include more than just THC and CBD. Full-spectrum CBD products also have terpenes. The bottom line is to take advantage of 100 cannabinoids to have a full spectrum of CBD that benefits you and enhances your health for pain relief, energy, memory enhancement, and calmer daily life.

If you’re looking to purchase Full Spectrum CBD from a trusted & reputable supplier, click here to start shopping now!