A big question concerning full spectrum cannabis products or even CBD is how much CBD should I take? The answer depends on why you need CBD. No amount works for everyone. Always refer to a guide to help you find the proper dosage for you. The amount of CBD you may need depends on your body weight, individual body chemistry, the condition you are suffering from, and CBD concentration in every drop, pill, gummy, or capsule.

How to Start

If your medical provider cannot or will not recommend the dosage, the first way is to start with half a dropper (0.5 ml) of oil. Use this much every day for 2-3 days and pay attention to how you feel. CBD may take up to a week before you notice the differences as your body works with CBD.

If you do not have the same reaction as others, keep working with your dosage. No universal dose works the same for everyone. You need to find the right amount for you.

Larger doses of CBD soothe your pain and ease your mind and body. Smaller doses of CBD generally give you a boost in moods, focus, and energy and help relieve anxiety.

Adjusting the Dosage

Some people only need half a dropper to feel relaxed, have no pain, and feel sleepy. If you want the perfect sleep aid, this will be the dose you wish to take. If you want to feel energized, lower your dose by half or take CBD just before bed.

Half a dropper often gives you a boost of focus and energy. If you are looking for a boost, half a dropper may be the correct dose. If you use CBD for sleep, change your dosage to a full dropper and adjust until you find yourself falling asleep quickly. It is also a good idea to move your dose to the morning to begin your day with an energy boost.

You can also experiment with high and low doses of CBD. Begin the day with a small dose for energy and complete your day with a larger dose for relaxation, deep sleep, and pain relief.

Dosage Chart by Weight

You can also choose the amount of CBD you take based on your weight. For example:

Weight Mild Moderate Strong
> 45 lbs. 5mg 7mg 9mg
81-150 lbs. 12mg 17mg 25mg
151-240 lbs. 17mg 25mg 30mg
< 240 lbs. 25mg 30mg 50mg

Dosages for Full-Spectrum

If you purchase a Full Spectrum CBD product, you will need less to gain the same effects as a CBD isolate product. This could be because of the harmonious entourage affects you get from taking multiple cannabinoids together. A full spectrum product is designed for different cannabinoids to work in unison.

Overdose on CBD

There are no records on anyone who has died from CBD doses. The lethal dose of CBD is about 212mg of CBD per kg. If you weigh 100 kg, you have a 50% chance of dying after taking 213 grams of CBD. However, it is unlikely that anyone would take his much in one dosage. If you take 21.2 grams of CBD, you would be drinking 20 bottles of CBD oil in one dosage. Do not do this!

CBD Dosage in a Day

Everyone is unique. You may need high doses of CBD for severe illness and pain, but there is no way you could take the lethal dose of CBD.

In a 2011 study, it was discovered that doses of 1,500 mg daily (or an entire bottle of high-strength CBD) work well for patients, and there were no health effects.

Do you Feel Anything?

For most users, CBD effects are noticed immediately. For other people, the result may take up to 1-2 weeks before anything is felt. If you do not feel the CBD effects in the first three days, increase your dosage strength and take CBD three times a day. This will saturate your body with CBD and help you better adjust to the pain-relieving, stress-reducing, and restorative effects.

Note that CBD products do not give you a “high.” The high you feel from cannabis products comes from THC.

Dosage Information

If you use CBD oil, it is a good idea to place it under your tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing. This allows for the fastest and best absorption of CBD. It goes straight to your bloodstream through the sublingual gland under your tongue. CBD oils have a higher absorption rate than CBD pills. Pills must first be digested before being absorbed by the body.

How to Receive the Right CBD Dose

Locally grown CBD products deliver the most effective, affordable, and highest quality CBD products. Shop with CBDMagic for trusted & reliable CBD oil products! You will find dosages of CBD in an oil tincture, pill form, topical products and gummies. You can talk to a product manager to help you find a good way to calculate your dosage.